The very first participants goes by the alias of Indigo Rose; her piece was titled ‘Peace from the Pieces’ , a quote extracted from the conversation that we had whilst working with glass.
This is what she wrote about the experience:
Peace from the Pieces
Taking part in the glass project for me was an indicator of how far I have come after leaving an abusive marriage of over 20 years. Healing is not linear and after making my escape with a lot of support and help, I have experienced the highs of feeling free and the lows of processing what happened to me. My story is one of coercive and financial control so there was nothing physical just a slow steady erosion of my-self. It was only once I left my perpetrator that I realised the extent that my spirit and sense of self had become so diminished. I am slowly finding myself again. There was a feeling of victory on the way to meet Roberta because I realised how different I felt, not least because her studio is situated near where the abuse took place. I feel like a new person. As a creative woman and mother of two who put some of my creativity on hold for years, I felt a huge sense of resolve smashing that pane of glass and the effect of this process is still being felt.
Some images of Indigo Rose’s workshop:
The second participants goes by the name of Den; her work was titled ‘And Still I rise’
This is what Den wrote about the project:
‘Roberta’s workshop has been a great opportunity to transform traumas and pain into art, the medium of glass is an outstanding example of broken pieces of a shattered soul after abuse.
This workshop has been extremely therapeutic and meditative, as it has opened up so many deep, enlightening conversations with Roberta.
Amazing experience, thank you Roberta!!’
Here are some images of the workshop:
The third participant goes by the alias of DiddiMa; her work is titled ‘What They Don’t Want To See’ in reference to the scars that survivors carry within them.
Here are some images of the piece being made :