From The Ground Up

Artist Roberta De Caro is creating From the Ground Up; a Non-For-Profit organisation with the aim of delivering art workshops to those who most need it in our communities.

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Our first project is all about glass making and it will run during the summer 2019, where a group of survivors of domestic abuse will have the opportunity to work with this amazing medium to create artwork that tells a story about their experiences. This project has been awarded the Student Initiated Project Prize at City & Guilds of London Art School and has the support of the charity Change-up@Kennington Cross.

Please help me build this project up so we can deliver new workshops to inspire more and more people that truly need it by donating towards my GoFundMe campaign on this link:

You can also contribute by donating towards some of the Sole soap left after my performance ‘This is how we dismantle it

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